Suspect A Leak, Now What?

The first thing to do is to get professional help! You might think you can handle the undertaking of a leak problem but the reality is that you will only create a bigger problem. Pool Leaks can be a nightmare.


Call a Doctor right away! It is very important that you take care of the problem as soon as possible! A small leak can turn in to a huge leak, costing you money, time and unnecessary stress. Even if you have a feeling, let us make that decision, whether or not there is a leak.

    See if your POOL is LEAKING?

    1. Call Dr. Pool Leaks

    Our team members are ready to take your call. We understand how frustrating and stressful it can be to know that you have a leak but have to idea where or what to do.

    Call Us Now we are ready to find it and fix it.

    2. We Find and We Fix

    With our state-of-the-art Leak Detection Technology and Repair Techniques, we can find your leak quickly and efficiently without having to break the ground or make any messes. Once we have identified the problem and leak area we will provide you with a game plan and estimate to fix the leak.

    3. You Relax

    The sigh of relief once you have detected the leak and fixed it is like no other. No more preoccupation, high water bills or soggy grass. GIVE US A CALL let us help you RELAX.

    Get a FREE Consultation

    We can detect a leak In Under 10 MINUTES

    Call Us Today Se Habla Español

    (786) 231-9847

    How do I know if my pool is leaking?

    Due to heat and evaporation, it is very normal for a pool to loose ¼ inches of water level or more a day. Most people have an automatic fill device that makes it harder to detect whether or not you are losing more water than the average.

    The clues to look for when deciding if you in fact have a leak are the following:

    • Sudden Increase in Water Bill
    • Puddles of Water Outside the Pool
    • Cracks on the Deck Resulting from Settling Earth
    • Increased Chemical Demand

    The Bucket Test

    If you have that gut feeling that keeps you up at night, we recommend you perform a Bucket test. The Bucket Test is simple and effective. Here are the steps to take. You may also watch the video.

    • Fill the level of your pool to normal operating level (normally mid-tie or mid-skimmer)
    • Fill a bucket with pool water to about one inch from top.
    • Place bucket on first or second step of pool.
    • Mark water level on inside of bucket
    • Shut off pump and mark pool level on outside of bucket.
    • Resume normal pump operation.
    • After 24 hours, compare the two levels. If the pool water (outside mark) goes down more than the inside.
    Watch Video